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The DIY AFM was developed by LEGO2NANO project in Year 2013

Leader of
LEGO2NANO project:
Prof. Francois Grey

Inventor of
the DIY AFM:
Edwin Hwu
Prime Minister
of Denmark:
Helle Schmidt
CEO of
LEGO Group:
Jørgen Knudstorp
Director of
LEGO Foundation:
Bo Thomsen

Unlocking nano-worlds for young kids

DVD data tracks
Blu-ray data tracks
Steel surface
Skin corneocyte
Strømlingo DIY AFM
Iron surface
Paint surface
5 μm
5 μm
5 μm
5 μm
5 μm
5 μm
Why We Can Liberate Nanotechnology Research?
Traditional AFM. vs. Strømlingo DIY AFM





Measuring surface of an eraser
Optical microscope

Area: 600x600 μm
Strømlingo DIY AFM

Area: 5x5 μm
Measuring data tracks on a DVD disk
Optical microscope

Area: 900x900 μm
Strømlingo DIY AFM

Area: 8x8 μm

Winner of the World Green Electronics Challenge (2014)
Nature & KICKSTARTER reported the DIY AFM

Queen of Jordan: Rania Al-Abdullah visited the DIY AFM
La Aventura del Saber (RTVE) Introduced The DIY AFM